Welcome to our 2016-2017 destination.
Welcome to China, “The Cradle of Civilization”.
Join us as we journey across the border. Here, you’ll find resources to help you take a adventure to China. Enjoy!
More people speak Mandarin, a Chinese dialect, as their first language than any other language in the world.
FACT #01
China is the most populous country in the world.
FACT #02
China is the fourth largest country in the world.
FACT #03
China is home to the longest wall on earth, The Great Wall of China and can be seen from space; it’s that big!
FACT #04
The culture of China is incredibly rich and diverse.
FACT #05
China brought us pandas the adorable black and white bears!
FACT #06
Beijing is the capital of China.
FACT #07
The Chinese can be credited for inventions such as paper, the compass, gunpowder, printing and paper kites to mention a few.
FACT #08
In China, every year is represented by one of 12 animals-2019 is the year of the pig.
FACT #09
The tallest mountain on Earth, Mount Everest, sits on the border between China and Nepal.
FACT #10
Travel Documents
Kid’s Corner
- 3-5 China Activity Book (PDF)
- K2 China Activity Book (PDF)
- Art Writing Worksheet - 3-5 Half Page (PDF)
- Art Writing Worksheet K-2 Half Page (PDF)
- Bookmark (PDF)
- China Report - 3-5 (PDF)
- China Report - K-2 (PDF)
- Chinese Numbers Worksheet (PDF)
- Colors and Shapes in Chinese (PDF)
- K-2 Worksheet (PDF)
- My Terra Cotta Warrior Worksheet (PDF)
- Zodiac Animals II (PDF)