Welcome to our 2013-2014 destination!

Kenya! Home to the Big Five of the animal kingdom: buffalos, elephants, leopards, lions and rhinos.
Join us as we journey to East Africa. Here, you’ll find resources to help you take a adventure to Kenya. Enjoy!
The two official languages in Kenya are English and Swahili and more than 60 other languages are spoken.
FACT #01
The capital of Kenya is Nairobi.
FACT #02
Music and storytelling are important parts of Kenyan culture. Songs, stories, and poems are used to pass on their beliefs, history, and customs.
FACT #03
The bones of one of the earliest human ancestors ever found were discovered in Kenya's Turkana Basin.
FACT #04
Slavery is a big part of Kenya's history.
FACT #05
Almost everyone in Kenya speaks more than one African language.
FACT #06
Large animals such as lions, buffalo, leopards, elephants and rhinoceros live in Kenya.
FACT #07
In Kenya they drive on the left-hand side of the road.
FACT #08
Kenya recognizes over fifty tribes of native people. The Maasai are one of the very few tribes who have retained most of their traditions.
FACT #09
In 2004, excavations unearthed giant crocodile fossils (sometimes known as sarchosuchus) which were at least 200 million years old.
FACT #10

Travel Documents
Kid’s Corner
- 2-sided Gicandi Labels (PDF)
- Art - Harambee Kanga - 141009 (PDF)
- 2-sided Gicandi Labels (PDF)
- Art - Harambee Kanga (PDF)
- Art - Kanga (PDF)
- Art - student mask - 141009 (PDF)
- Art - Teacher Kanga - 140922 (PDF)
- Art - teacher mask - 141009 (PDF)
- Colors and Shapes in Kiswahili (PDF)
- Colors and Shapes in Kiswahili - II (PDF)
- Comparing Life in Kenya - 3-5 Teacher Key (PDF)
- Comparing Life in Kenya - 3-5 (PDF)
- Jambo Lyrics - Gicandi Directions (PDF)
- Kenya Report - 3-5 (PDF)
- Kenya Report - K-2 (PDF)
- Make a Zebra - Punda Milia (PDF)
- Puzzle Solution (PDF)
- Word Search Kenya (PDF)